Your contact information (such as name, address, telephone, e-mail address), financial information (credit card information, account number) and personal information (tax number, identity card) in the order form or member registration form of your purchases on number etc.).

Contact information will only be used in order and member registration forms to communicate with our users when necessary and to send news about our company (new products, campaigns, discounts, etc.). This information is never shared with third parties. Our users can delete their records from our system at any time.

Financial information will only be used for payment transactions, invoicing and processing if the user approves. This information is never shared with third parties.

Personal information will be used for our users to log in to our site and, when necessary, to verify the identity of the person. This information is never shared with third parties.

Contact information will be used for the order to reach the user. This information is shared only with the cargo company that will ensure the delivery of the order and is not shared with other third parties.